Tuesday, November 24

Dancing for Jesus Presents "Love in the Open" January 23rd 2016

Dancing for Jesus Presents "Love in the Open" Worship Recital 
January 23rd 3:00pm and 5:00pm
All are welcome to attend this FREE Performance!

Tuesday, August 25

It's Not too late to sign up for classes at Dancing for Jesus!!!

Call today for open classes at Dancing for Jesus for all ages and abilities!


Wednesday 11:00am-12:00pm Level 1 ages 3-6

Tuesday 5:30-7:00pm Level 2 ages 6 and up
Thursday 1:30pm-3:00pm Level 2 ages 5 and up

Thursday 3:00-4:30 Preteen/Teen class ages 10 and up

Classes Begin Tuesday September 8th!

Tuesday, June 2


Summer 2015 July 27-31 and August 24th-28th

   A summer break is good for the dancers’ bodies to recover and rest.  However, a jumpstart into fall is a great way to get our bodies ready for our next dance season again.  Dancing for Jesus will be offering summer technique classes and prayer and devotionals to prepare us for our year at Dancing for Jesus.  All Level 3-5 dancers are strongly encouraged to attend.  Class Attire: leotard, pink tights, hair in ballet bun. Call to register for classes 612-229-7685.

Level 1 (ages 3-6 ) Monday-Friday, July 27th-31st       11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

                                Tuition:          1 week            $35.00                                                                        


Level 2 (ages 6 & up)  Monday-Friday, July 27th-31st         12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.     

                                      Monday-Friday, August 24th –28th    11:30 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

                                      Tuition:       1 week  $35.00    or    2 weeks  $65.00


Level 3-4 (ages 10 & up) Monday-Friday, July 27th-31st              9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

                                           Monday-Friday, August 24th –28th      9:00 a.m. - 11:30

                   Tuition:          1 week  $70.00     or    2 weeks  $100.00

Our Vision for "Dancing for Jesus"

We believe that every child can express themselves through the arts.

Teaching children dance in a loving and wholesome environment along with the teachings of Jesus gives them confidence.

Confidence, built upon an understanding of the Bible and it's promises and their new-found abilities to move in a rhythmic and choreographed way becomes the foundation, the reason, and the purpose for dance for these children